Our solution


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For a better adoption of your apps!

With Aidaxis, your users are guided step by step along their bussiness processes with 100% of interactivity. You decrease time in learning and support team load. Always available, its interface designed for non-technical users provides a 24/7 on-demand support to your employees.

Available for a large amount of applications

Whether your software is Web or Desktop-based, from a leader trademark or in-house developed , Aidaxis will be compatible and fully adapted to your solutions. No need of complicated, long and expensive developments. Aidaxis can be implemented on your information system in just a few days.


A solution that fits with end-user needs.

Real time step-by-step guide, guided visit , learning by doing, quick launch of assistance, intuitive search bar, multilingual automatic translation… the main functionalities of Aidaxis have been designed for end-users, to make their work easy and to achieve their task in full autonomy whatever their knowledge of the application is.

Expert feature for a better adoption

Expert mode gives to Key Users a simple tool to quickly create user guides and learning walkthroughs. No technical skills  and no effort requested. A customizable dashboard provides a sharp view of the most requested assitances and a full understanding of difficulties faced by users. You will then be able to provide a more accurate and optimized support to them.


Artificial Intelligence: Aidaxis is also learning by doing!

Aidaxis integrates artificial intelligence to analyse users behaviour and provide them the best assistance at the right time. The dashboard presents the difficulties met by users in connection with your helpdesk software. Even if your application interface is updated due to new version or user decision, Aidaxis adapts asistances in real time to better guide your employees.